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The Alchemy of Transformation
One day you finally knew What you had to do, and began, Though the voices around you Kept shouting Their bad advice‚ Though the whole...
Forget About Enlightenment
Forget about enlightenment. Sit down wherever you are And listen to the wind singing in your veins. Feel the love, the longing, and the...
Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing)
Join me for weekly -socially distanced- "Forest Bathing" walks and hikes. Learn mindfulness, wellness and somatic techniques as well as...
Online Integrative Coaching and Facilitation
As we move forward together during these trying times, I will continue to offer my online services. More than ever we need to give...
40 Days of Gratitude D6
#40daysofgratitude interwoven connections.. Words are the fundamental obstacle to clear understanding. Seek to reach your goal of...
40 Days of Gratitude D5
The Warrior of the Light knows that it is impossible to live in a state of complete relaxation. She has learned from the archer that, in...
40 Days of Gratitude D4
Water. Water as womb. Water of my essence. Essence. Dust. Particles. Hope resides in small things. Cracked open and nurtured with...
40 Days of Gratitude D3
I read once how Americans are great at acute heroism but lousy with chronic empathy. A world of truth in a simple statement. Those from...
40 Days of Gratitude D2
Stay curious. Hope resides in small things. Cracked open and nurtured with gratitude. #40daysOfGratitude #hope #gratitude D2
40 Days of Gratitude
Hope resides in small things. Cracked open and nurtured with gratitude. #40daysOfGratitude#hope#gratitude D1.
We Create Each Moments Within That Moment.
Whatever you do or don't do is your contribution to reality. Nothing could be easier. Nothing else is required, you can't do it wrong....
Watch It Pass Now.
It takes but one tiny intent thought, followed through with a small altruistic action, carried on the wings of inner reverence, to shift...
Sparking the Light
When was the last time you did something that sparked and fed your inner Light?
Back to School Stress?
We all need a little extra support at this time of year! Use code STB19 when booking to get 75% off any regular priced online #coaching...
Free Somatic Meditation Series
Coming soon! follow on instagram @mindfulness.facilitation or facebook...
60 seconds Somatic Hack
take your shoes off, close your eyes, feel the grass between your toes. Is it warm? cold? soft? what is arising? Just feel the grass, and...
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
“Listen--are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?” -Mary Oliver I was very much inspired by these 2 quotes from Mary...
Bodhisattva Prayer
“May I be a guard for those who need protection A guide for those on the path A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the...
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