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40 Days of Gratitude D5
The Warrior of the Light knows that it is impossible to live in a state of complete relaxation. She has learned from the archer that, in...
40 Days of Gratitude D4
Water. Water as womb. Water of my essence. Essence. Dust. Particles. Hope resides in small things. Cracked open and nurtured with...
40 Days of Gratitude D3
I read once how Americans are great at acute heroism but lousy with chronic empathy. A world of truth in a simple statement. Those from...
40 Days of Gratitude D2
Stay curious. Hope resides in small things. Cracked open and nurtured with gratitude. #40daysOfGratitude #hope #gratitude D2
40 Days of Gratitude
Hope resides in small things. Cracked open and nurtured with gratitude. #40daysOfGratitude#hope#gratitude D1.
We Create Each Moments Within That Moment.
Whatever you do or don't do is your contribution to reality. Nothing could be easier. Nothing else is required, you can't do it wrong....
The Paradox of Time
On the surface, the present moment is "what happens". Since what happens changes continuously, it seems that every day of your life...
What Is Magic?
Magic is a projection of our inner power onto a neutral object, we suffer only from a displacement of divinity.
Watch It Pass Now.
It takes but one tiny intent thought, followed through with a small altruistic action, carried on the wings of inner reverence, to shift...
A week of flow, quiet and silence, creativity and letting go.
As an artist, working with glass, I never know what will the outcome be. I put intent, love, work, and passion into each projects, and...
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